Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Boost Game

Official website

Deadline  31 August 2011

Type  Game (Mouse)

[ Age ]  All
[ Country ]  All
[ Exception ]  Employees and their immediate families of Boost Drinks, their agents (excluding clients), and anyone professionally connected with the competition or game development

30 x A box of 500ml Boost drinks (Boost Energy, Boost Sport, Boost Active)

How winners will be chosen
(Highest score) 10 mobile phone players, 10 internet players, 10 iPhone players on Leaderboard 

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. Choose Boost the Band or Boost A Move.

For Boost the Band,
  1. Click I'm Ready to Rock.
  2. Click Play.
  3. Click Start.
  4. Click the orange circles. After playing for around 2 minutes (there is a timer at the bottom of the game screen), the orange circles will appear and disappear very quickly. So you have to click faster.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Submit your name.
  7. Submit your email address.
  8. Tick the 1st box.
  9. Check out the Leaderboard to see whether you're in the top 10.

  1. Click Play Boost A Move.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Click Play Boost A Move.
  4. After the sentence "Copy Me!!" appears, remember the sequence of the spotlights. When the timer appears on top of your character, click the correct light in order.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Submit your name.
  7. Enter your email address. Click Next.
  8. Tick the 1st box.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Send to your friend. Click Submit.
  11. Check out the Leaderboard to see whether you're in the top 10.

Terms & Conditions

+  Winners will be contacted 14 days after the deadline via phone or email.
+  Winners have to confirm their age and postal address.
+  Winners have to reply to the winning notification within 28 days.
+  Winners may win 1 box of Boost drinks only.
+  Boost Energy will not be offered to winners under 16 years old.


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