Sunday, 4 September 2022

Versa Cash & Versa Invest


Versa Save

Projected net return: 2.5% p.a.

Reinvest payout as units at end of the month (2 working days)

Management fee: 0.30% p.a.

Trustee fee: 0.05% p.a.

* Earn 3.2% p.a. for your first RM 30,000 until 31/12/2022.

Versa Invest

Suitability Assessment Test

- Suggest fund based on few questions on your investment objectives, risk tolerance, etc. 

- May change to Moderate / Growth after the test

Management fee: 1% p.a.

Sales charge: 0%

Redemption fee: 0%

Trustee fee: 0.04% p.a.

Fund level fee: 0.6-0.76% p.a.

Versa Moderate

3Y annualised return: 6.3%

Fund allocation [30/6/2022]

Fixed Income: 66.5%, Equity: 32.8%, Cash & Cash Equivalents: 0.7%

HSBC US Dollar Liquidity Fund (25%)

Affin Hwang Aiiman Money Market Fund (17%)

Affin Hwang Select Bond Fund (9%)

Affin Hwang SGD Bond Fund (8%)

PIMCO Income Fund (8%)

iShares Core S&P 500 (7%)

iShares MSCI USA Islamic ETF (7%)

Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (7%)

Affin Hwang Select Asia (ex Japan) Opportunity Fund (6%)

Vanguard FTSE Europe ETF (6%)

Versa Growth

3Y annualised return: 12.7%

Fund allocation [30/6/2022]

Fixed Income: 27.8%, Equity: 70.6%, Cash & Cash Equivalents: 1.6%

HSBC US Dollar Liquidity Fund (22%)

iShares Core S&P 500 (15%)

iShares MSCI USA Islamic ETF (15%)

Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (15%)

Vanguard FTSE Europe ETF (10%)

Affin Hwang Aiiman Money Market Fund (6%)

Affin Hwang Select Asia (ex Japan) Opportunity Fund (5%)

iShares MSCI China ETF (5%)


Time (working days)

Min. amount (RM)




Deposit (FPX)


(first deposit: up to 5)

1 (Versa Cash),

100 (Versa Invest)


1 (Versa Cash)

6 (Versa Invest)

50 (Versa Cash)

100 (Versa Invest)

- Not available at 1-2 a.m.

- Can make full withdrawal

Fund switch

(Cash to Invest)



- Not available at 12-2 a.m.

Fund switch

(Invest to Cash)



- Not available at 12-2 a.m.

PROS: No fees for withdrawal, switch fund. No minimum balance.

CONS: Not protected by PIDM

1. Download app.

Play Store | App Store | App Gallery

Use my referral link 7JYKJPDJ to get RM 10 after your deposit of RM 100.

2. Create account. Enter details. Require IC and selfie as verification.

3. Select fund to deposit.